Training Section

Our organization is comprised of Training Officers / Chief Officers from all fire agencies located in Solano County as well as the Winters Fire Department in Yolo County.  Our primary mission is to sponsor, coordinate, and deliver county training programs for the betterment of the Fire Service.

We hold monthly meetings to discuss current topics and encourage an exchange of ideas.  We encourage our members to maintain a high level of fire service professionalism through quality uniform firefighter training. The STOA is sponsored by the Solano County Fire Chief’s Association.

Fire service training constantly evolves and changes.  Every training officer knows the challenges of keeping the training current and updated.  We support and sponsor up to date training that meet the needs of the fire service and firefighter safety.  Please feel free to contact any of our Training Officers listed on the membership page.

Visit our website for additional information

 © 2016-2020 Solano County Fire Chiefs Association.  All Rights Reseved.  Web Design by XMR Fire.
